Sunday, 11 September 2011

Possible new forum signature?

So I should be writing my thoughts on last night's Doctor Who episode (short version: loved it!) but I got distracted trying to make a new forum sig for the MLP Arena instead.

This is it so far, I may tweak it, I don't know yet, but I wanted to keep a note of all the people whose work went into making it.

Pony creator software:

UNIT logo (The Brig's cutie mark):

Doctor Whooves' cutie mark:

UNIT lab background:

And information on Doctor Whooves' correct FiM colour scheme: Really cool, this, for a bit of screen accuracy!

I've altered the colour of the Brig slightly since last time, but stupidly not noted it *headdesk*.

Sarah's code: 2S2S00000099CEDDFFC49D00101593403EL153800700000381302217351B0E04107F3FCC004CB2

For those unaware this is a bit of a mess between Three's regeneration scene in Planet of the Spiders, Eleven's catchphrase about things being cool and Doctor Whooves is generally considered to be based on Ten; basically I don't know if I like that it's kinda messy like that. Also, Sarah is blue based on the outfit she wore in that scene, and I don't know what her cutie mark should be... reporter's notebook and pencil? Typewriter? Newspaper? Answers on a postcard, please.

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